Fun Times
Join Dominique on some fun adventures and meet his unusual friends!
Devon Horse Show and Country Fair
Dominique spent 11 days at the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair!
He had his own big stall like the other horses. He had a sign on his door so people knew who he was and a number to call if he was afraid.
I looked in Dominique’s window the first morning. He was still laying down. I knew he felt safe and relaxed. He ate his breakfast of a handful of grain and four baby carrots while I put hay and water in his corral for the day. I also put his cards and autograph cards out on a table so everyone would know what Dominique does. He liked watching everyone!

Every day we saw different things as we would walk to the big shade tree beside his corral. Some days we would see big horses getting ready for a driving class. Dominique saw horses getting a bath just like he did. Everyone would say, “Good Morning Dominique!”

On the way to his corral, Dominique walked by other barns, the schooling ring where horses were
getting ready to show, and past the rides.

Making Friends and Creating Smiles
Dominique had no idea how many friends he would meet at Devon! Young and old alike fell in love with the friendly little horse. Many of the children enjoyed grooming him.
He was a great ambassador for Dominique’s Smiles and lots of people learned about his mission to bring love and smiles to children and adults in hospitals, nursing facilities, Ronald McDonald Houses, schools, and private homes.
Dominique also had a lot of dog visitors. He greeted each one and was a true gentleman!
A Treat for Dominique
Dominique loves to visit The Mill of Red Lion!
Fun with Friends After a Job Well Done
On October 19th Dominique traveled to Wilmington, DE to spend time with the folks staying at the Ronald McDonald House. After Dominique’s visit with the children, he enjoyed a moonlight graze in his corral under the watchful eyes of Daryle and Barney!

The Farrier Comes To Visit Dominique
Daryle watches as farrier JR Myers trims Dominique’s hoofs with a rasp (file) and knife! Trimming hooves is an art and should only be done by farriers who balance the hooves and look for any problems. This should be done every 4-8 weeks depending on the horse. Dominique’s hoof trimming is similar to you getting your nails clipped. The last picture gives you an idea of just how small his hooves are!
Dominique Gets a Wading Pool!
Everyone needs to stay cool in the Summertime…

Meet Some of Dominique’s Friends
You never know what or who you will see and meet if you really look around you! Simple tasks like trimming bushes with Daryle and Barney led to meeting Marvin! We met this summer, and over the months when I least expect to see him, he shows up! See if you can find him in the pictures. He changes colors from looking like a blade of grass to a brown twig. Marvin is a great help eating the bad insects like stink bugs around the farm!
Daryle, Barney and I were trimming weeds when we met a praying mantis named Marvin! He is in every picture. Can you find him? He changes color to either look like a twig or a blade of grass for protection – like when he saw Barney!
One evening there was Marvin on the window sill and later that night on the screen door. Always take time to notice the small things!
Can you find Marvin? He is under the chair! Dominique was excited. In the end, he went into the house to see Marvin on the screen!
As I was cleaning Dominique’s stall one morning, I was not alone. Marvin was there! Dominique was eating grass while Daryle was watching and waiting to help me stack wood. By the time Dominique returned to his stall, Marvin was gone!
Can you find the video where he washed his face? The last video is when he stopped by to say that he would be moving on. I hope you enjoyed Marvin’s adventures. Keep looking because you never know what you will see!
Always Bringing Smiles
Dominique After a Few Days Of Rain
Dominique Learns To Play Piano
Dominique gets a new winter blanket!
Dominique gets groomed!
Sunsets Are Everyone’s Gift At The End Of The Day!
Dominique Sees the Dentist
Horses get baby teeth just like us, lose them, and then grow their adult teeth. The only difference is that adult horse teeth keep on growing! Oral care is very important to keep them healthy. These adult teeth need to be floated (filed down) and checked once a year to keep the angle good for eating. Also, bad teeth are pulled if necessary. Dominique recently had his first visit from Lars Curley, our horse dentist! He is the best dentist and all of our horses like him because he is kind and understands them, especially if they are scared.
Lars shows Dominique the tool he will use for his teeth.
Dominique is very interested as he watches Lars float Rue Martel’s teeth